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"Personal freud against collective unconscious based on fear worship"

Happening carried out in London opposite the "London Dungeon" horror museum, April 2008.

The State apparatus, through its actions in which it rationalizes its own exhibition fear by building up all its horror spaces and devices by pretending it only respects the appetite of the social masses in their psycho sensorial stimulant needs, must be considered as a diversion attempt, the aim of which is to distract all the collective consciousness from its real life or survival interests. Any ignominy related to a past event, if this one is restored to us within a situation in which its signified content appears to us as purely hypothetical as far as this event is integrated into a popularizing process by including multiple forms, is nothing but a mean for the State apparatus trying to get rid off what its real responsibilities towards its nation were. In addition, the monster makes sure that the past time of history will be able to bury forever all ineffable truths.It broadcasts its underhand intentions to its robotic media corps made blind by its will to implement the collective brain through the resurgence of fear worship as a merchandise in order to minimize the true daily fears, politically and economically generated. Thus, for the monster, it is the way to dodge its potential revolts dormant amid its people by deliberately leading it to sink in a vegetative condition.


Extracted from the second part of the first manifesto," Occidental sun, accidental son..."

Beyond the bitter statement of facts that such a type of exhibition language only represents an umpteenth time consciousness adjustment application form integrated to our existential huge program poisoned by the present capitalism, "Personal Freud against collective unconscious based on fear worship" is an action created and implemented in order to question the fear worship related notion by claiming both the political fear and the economic one which deeply come within the framework of the contemporary capitalistic societies crucial reality. This action claims responsability for a political manifesto action which supports the consciousness of any individual who has started a fight to maintain the neutrality of his/her signifiant body in front of the State agressions and attacks.

(Au delà du constat amer qu'un tel type de langage spectacle ne représente qu'une énième forme d'application de réglage des consciences assimilé au vaste programme de notre existence que gangrène le capitalisme actuel, "Personal Freud against collective unconscious based on fear worship" est une action qui a été élaborée et mise en place de manière à questionner la notion relative au culte de la peur en revendiquant à la fois la peur du politique et celle de l'économique qui s'inscrivent fortement dans  la réalité  cruciale des sociétés capitalistes contemporaines. L'action se revendique comme une action artistico-politique et manifeste qui soutient la conscience de chaque individu entré en lutte pour conserver toute la neutralité de leur signifiant corps face aux agressions et attaques étatiques).

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